Stephen Runeso Gumbo, Hugh Tracey. International Library of African Music; 1958. Ngoma yababa kutamba nayo (Father's music for dancing with the spirits).
Hits: 775
Visitors: 820
Downloads: 56
Stephen Runeso Gumbo, Hugh Tracey. International Library of African Music; 1958. Ye chikoro (Of the school).
Hits: 682
Visitors: 717
Downloads: 44
Stephen Runeso Gumbo, Hugh Tracey. International Library of African Music; 1958. Kurarwe (The railway).
Hits: 716
Visitors: 752
Downloads: 49
Stephen Runeso Gumbo, Hugh Tracey. International Library of African Music; 1958. Nzia ya gudo achiend kumunda (The song of the baboon who went to the field).